Manhattan Chinatown
A Guide for Tourists
ABOUT Group 5:
Group Members and Responsibilities:
Adrienne: History
Marianna: Shopping
Max : Crime, Interview, Front Page
Ming: Maps and Geography
Nathan: Restaurants
Rishi: History and Website
Sonya: Conclusions
Zach: Restaurants
About the Website.
Why choose us?
Our website is meant for tourists who are interested in visiting Chinatown in Manhattan, New York City. This tourist website is meant for those who want to better understand the cultural and historical significance of the Chinatown by juxtaposing the present and the past. This focus lends to a more meaningful understanding of the Chinatown and conveys the cultural and social outcomes we see today. This website includes information regarding maps, special events, and other experiences that are founded on a historical and cultural development of the area
Why are we better?
Our website is the best of both worlds. We organized our website so that the first tab titled "Culture and Amenities" is what you would want to find on a typical tourist website. If the user is interested in enhancing their understanding of Manhattan Chinatown, the "About Chinatown" provides a better cultural and historical context for what you will find on the site.